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Why Go Green IT ?

Sustainability is now a major focus for organizations, and executives are considering how it pays, how it doesn’t and where it counts to make changes. Many discovered that sustainable practices can strengthen corporation reputation, improve employee morale, deliver cost savings, and benefit the environment.

Where do you begin and what is a logical, easy first step? Reducing PC energy waste. Below are several reasons why greening your IT department is an important starting point toward sustainability. The number-one reason is, of course, the bottom line.

Reasons to Go Green in IT

  • Huge Cost Saving: PC power management software can cut energy costs by £10-40 per PC per PC, which can translate to six- and seven-figure annual savings for large enterprises. For many organizations, this can mean a 5-15 percent reduction in overall, organization-wide energy consumption.
  • Right Things to Do: Fifteen PCs can generate as much carbon emissions as a mid-size car each year. Implementing effective PC power management strategies in your enterprise provides a way for your business to do its part in helping the environment.
  • Corporate Responsibility: In recent years, news coverage has exposed deep holes in many company sustainability initiatives, raising concerns about high-cost infrastructure changes and the validity of overseas carbon offset programs. Replacing office equipment can be time- and cost- intensive. But making your existing equipment more energy-efficient is a fast and easy process that pays off within months, and makes it difficult being not green.
  • Sustainable Operations: The average PC consumes 588 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, and wastes almost 400 kWh of that by running at full-power when not in use. Putting a computer in sleep mode during inactive times can cut energy use on average 60-70 percent and up to 90 percent in aggressive scenarios. As your company grows and as demands on your IT and PC networks increase, getting control over energy use will become an important advantage.
  • Inspire Employees: Employees feel a deep sense of pride working in organizations that do their part for the environment. When your employees know their computers are using less than half the power they used to, with no impact on productivity, they’ll know they personally are helping to reduce the company’s carbon footprint.
  • Improved Reputation and Brand Value: Investing in a strong sustainability program (which can be led with Green IT) and communicating the value to your customers and stakeholders can do wonders for your reputation and brand.